Thursday, January 19, 2012

it's been a while crocodile

It's hard to believe that we're more than halfway through January! I am definitely feeling the effects of all the Christmas eating I did. I don't regret it, but the track at the gym gave me a serious kick in the bum yesterday. One of the dinners that contributed to my Christmas food baby was a friend's swanky Christmas party. It was extra special not only because there was a cocktail shrimp platter, but because Kyle came home and ayce* was once again, complete. Although, the shrimp did make the night pretty fantastic.
* ayce stands for "all you can eat." My friends and I have been using that term to describe our gatherings and our little group for years now and we like to believe that we were the ones who first started using the acronym...even if we weren't.

Thursday, January 05, 2012

slowing down

This Christmas has been one that was filled with home cooked meals and merry times spent with cousins, aunts and uncles. It was a Christmas that brought together friends who I see often and those that I wish I saw more of. It was made up of sweets, catching up, gift giving, parties and a Christmas market. It wasn't one event, but the combination of all that made this Christmas one that was filled with happy memories.

holding on to the last bit of the holidays
(although, I do have every intention to relive everything in my upcoming Christmas recap posts)