Monday, April 29, 2013
vingt trois: white moustashes
Chère bff,
Yoshi is turning into a grandpa.
Can you see his white fur?
I think it gives him character.
Crazy how we sometimes don't notice how people, pets, and things are changing until you take a step back to look.
We should do a photo a day challenge where we take a photo of ourselves every single day. Then we can compile them and make it into an evolution video!
I hope I age gracefully...
♥ pour toujours,
Sunday, April 28, 2013
vingt deux: jardin
Chère bff,
I came across this little comic on Instagram that might help motivate you to create your garden.
Although... you are already quite motivated already.
Perhaps, it can serve as motivation on those days you really just don't feel like playing in the dirt.
Cute comic and wise words indeed.
♥ pour toujours,
Saturday, April 27, 2013
vingt et un: mochi lesson
Chère bff,
I was presented with this dirt like lump as my dessert tonight.
Now, normally I love mochi, but this one just didn't look too appetizing.
When I bit into it, however, it was filled with black sesame paste!
I must learn to be less judgmental.
Must. Must. Must.
♥ pour toujours,
vingt: thought bubble
Chère bff,
Every time I drink a cup of tea, it reminds me of you.
(especially if it's a blooming tea)
Just thought I'd let you know :)
♥ pour toujours
Thursday, April 25, 2013
dix neuf: sunnies and blazers

Chère bff,
As promised, here is my outfit that I wore to the interview today.
Decided to go a bit more casual as opposed to wearing my power suit.
And for once, my hair cooperated!
Except I didn't think to take a picture...
Total outfit cost (including shoes): $85
I am quite proud of my frugal ways :)
♥ pour toujours,
p.s thank you for being my greatest support system when I am nervous and unsure of myself. Like you always say, youda best :)
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
dix huit: socks socks socks
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
dix sept: déjà vu

Chère bff,
I made Dutch eggs tonight and it reminded me of your meatloaf from dîner en blanc.
We better start thinking of a menu for this year's dinner!
And figure out our outfits!
And table decor!
I better get started on making those convertible wrap dresses...
Remind me again... How does one thread the bobbin? I think I need a Jamie sewing crash course...
♥ pour toujours,
Monday, April 22, 2013
seize: out with the old
Chère bff,
Chemo. Is. Done.
I'm sure the last several months have been a challenge that many of us won't even begin to understand.
With that being said, there's no time like the present to start anew on your journey to a healthier life.
Like my shoe closet overhaul, I believe it's time to look forward and declutter our lives to make room for bigger and better things to come.
Can't wait to sing and dance with you!
(and Monroe)
♥ pour toujours,
Sunday, April 21, 2013
quinze: droplets
Chère bff,
What a nice sunny day to end off the weekend!
I know a lot of people hate the rain, but I absolutely adore it (when it's not windy and cold).
You can splash in puddles, you can relax indoors with a hot cup of tea while listening to the rain, and you can get pretty raindrop and puddle reflection photos - much like your Eiffel tower photo.
It's also a good time to just sit and think and let all your troubles and frustrations wash away.
There's always a silver lining :)
(I've also always found the rain to be romantic. Perhaps I will drag Nathan out to do a rainy photoshoot one of these days.)
♥ pour toujours,
quatorze: words at three a.m.
Chère bff,
I think my brain enters a weird space when it's either really late at night or very early in the morning.
I kind of enjoy the quiet and stillness.
Gives me space to just let my thoughts wander around and do as it pleases.
On the brain tonight is an internal struggle of balance.
I have a hard time balancing things.
Work, family, friends, japh time.
There are only so many hours in a day that it's difficult to divide that time in a way that I would like.
I think it's high time that someone invents a time machine.
Or maybe I just need to manage my time a bit better.
I think I like the time machine idea.
So due to the lack of balance in my life, tonight's post is all words.
words words words
Do words stop making sense to you sometimes when you repeat it too many times in a row?
My brain is wandering again - I better get some sleep!
♥ pour toujours,
I think my brain enters a weird space when it's either really late at night or very early in the morning.
I kind of enjoy the quiet and stillness.
Gives me space to just let my thoughts wander around and do as it pleases.
On the brain tonight is an internal struggle of balance.
I have a hard time balancing things.
Work, family, friends, japh time.
There are only so many hours in a day that it's difficult to divide that time in a way that I would like.
I think it's high time that someone invents a time machine.
Or maybe I just need to manage my time a bit better.
I think I like the time machine idea.
So due to the lack of balance in my life, tonight's post is all words.
words words words
Do words stop making sense to you sometimes when you repeat it too many times in a row?
My brain is wandering again - I better get some sleep!
♥ pour toujours,
Saturday, April 20, 2013
treize: a gentle reminder
Chère bff,
I found some (creepy) motivation online to remind us both to drink more water!
Having a glass of water before eating breakfast in the morning jump starts your body so that it can absorb nutrients more effectively.
Not to mention all the good it does by flushing out all our body's toxins!
Hope this creepy little water droplet will motivate us to get our glasses in!
♥ pour toujours,
Thursday, April 18, 2013
douze: presque là
Chère bff,
Last cycle of chemo!
When I run, I know the last leg of the race is always the toughest.
I also know that it's during this time that you push yourself the hardest and it's also here where you realize what you are truly capable of.
Just remember I'm always running by your side - even though we both know how much I hate running.
Sending some virtual balloons your way to cheer you on.
❤ pour toujours,
your cheerleader
p.s I need to work on that sketch of yours!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
onze: pretty yellow
Today I discovered a soft mushy fruit that we can potentially add to your list of eats!
It is the lovely yellow pitahaya a.k.a the yellow dragon fruit.
(It kind of reminds me of a spiny shell from Mario Bros)
I am not normally a huge fan of dragon fruit, but I am absolutely in love with this beauty.
At roughly $3 per fruit, it's not something I would eat every day, but it's definitely a refreshing treat for the taste buds once every so often.
The photographer in you will probably notice the seed hanging out on the edge of the fruit in the picture at the bottom. I was a little too impatient and neglected to clean up my model before I did the shoot and gobbled everything up.
Patience is a virtue I sometimes lack when it comes to food...
♥ pour toujours,
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
dix: fickle me
Chère bff,
I was browsing my phone album today and came across a picture from November last year.
I miss my ombré hair and want to redo it.
But knowing me, I'd tire of it within a month and will want to redye my hair dark again.
And I don't think I want to spend another 6 hours in the bathroom inhaling bleach.
I just need to be less fickle with my hair.
What are my chances?
♥ pour toujours,
Monday, April 15, 2013
neuf: through your lens
Chère bff,
I must say, all the excitement (and sugar) from yesterday distracted me from my blog.
You were probably also too distracted looking for pretty shots to notice me taking a picture of you taking a picture.
Photographic inception!
I think the great thing about photography is that you can be in the same place at the same time as someone, but the photos will never be exactly the same.
It's a lot like that saying about being in someone's shoes.
Even though you're in them, they won't feel quite the same.
So thank you for always trying to put yourself in my shoes when I'm having silly meltdowns.
It takes a lot to understand my mind and I think you are one of the few people in this world who does (without passing judgement).
Merci, ma belle.
❤ pour toujours,
p.s I have this thing for overexposed photos... I don't know why!
Sunday, April 14, 2013
huit: my booster

Chère bff,
On a bad day, when I am grumpy, irrational and emotional, you are always there to calm me down.
To remind me of the silver linings.
To tell me things will work out just fine.
And, even though we both know I'm in the wrong and overreacting, you are always 100% on my side.
You are truly my booster.
♥ pour toujours,
Saturday, April 13, 2013
six et sept: kisses, pearls and lace
Chère bff,
I know you always say I have a big heart, but what I don't think you realize is that you are exactly the same.
Who else would buy me pretty phone cases and a replica of my favourite (what I thought was lost) necklace?
C'est moi, qui est vraiment la plus chanceuse.
♥ pour toujours,
Thursday, April 11, 2013
cinq: fuzz
Chère bff,
Spent the better part of my day staring at a computer screen.
After doing this every day for the past little while, I noticed my vision getting a little fuzzy.
I think you're supposed to look away from your computer every 15 minutes to give your eyes a break...but who really does that?
I think we all need to focus on giving ourselves a break now and again.
Even if it's just an hour a week dedicated to shutting your brain off.
At least these fuzzy eyes may give me a reason to shop for glasses? Or sunnies?
♥ pour toujours,
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
quatre: une boîte du thé?
Monday, April 08, 2013
trois: my side dishes
Chère bff,
One of the things I look forward to most when eating at a Korean restaurant is their side dishes.
I tend to fill up on the sides before starting my main and usually end up stuffing myself to the brim because of them.
I think this is partly due to me being distracted so easily.
Speaking of distractions, I need to start working on my wrap dress!
I need a snack.
♥ pour toujours,
Sunday, April 07, 2013
deux: un petit chat pour mon petit chou?
un: from my bed

Chère bff,
I seemed to have lost count of the days.
So I am staring a new set en français!
Lils and I missed you tonight.
I'm actually in bed already cause both my mind and body are exhausted.
What a week!
Although, lately it seems like every week is an exhausting one.
I hope I don't burn out but I feel it coming!
When I do, please don't be surprised if I demand a tea date to calm my system back down.
Bonne nuit ma belle!
♥ pour toujours,
Friday, April 05, 2013
day omgimsosorryiamsuchaslacker: pups all around
Dear bff,
To celebrate the new addition to your beautiful family, I thought I would take a picture of yoshi doing his usual afternoon sun bathing. However, he's been hiding under the table recently instead of sprawling by the window. Maybe he realizes his tanning days are over and needs to try to combat those wrinkles/folds.
I like how you can't see his eyes...he actually started to nod off into an afternoon nap as I was taking this photo. What an old man...
♥ always,
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