Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kidnapped by nathan

To a grassy place with dandelion fluffs. People who have allergies must hate me because I always feel compelled to blow them into the air (or kick them when they are alone and poking up from the grass). Yes, I'm one of those people. Apologies to all the itchy noses out there...

Actually, I was kidnapped to the Sheridan Nursuries up on Highway 7 because the tomato plant that I had purchased a couple days prior (for only $1!) needed to be replaced. It was untimely ripped from me. By my dad. Who decided to plant it for me on a sunny day. So. What's the big deal? Well, this is the first time I've attempted gardening and for those who don't know this about me, I like to do things a certain way. Which means that the tomatoes that I will hopefully eat from my plant this summer, need to be ones that were planted with my own dirt filled and grimy hands. I suppose the upcoming visit from my monthly visitor might have contributed to this irrational (and princessy) behaviour. Luckily, I have a boyfriend who understands that my hormones know no reason and who tries his best to be extra patient during times like these.

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing at the plant on the right - it just looks so funny!

Afterwards, we made our way to our usual spot for evening strolling to just wander and catch up on the day's events. Quiet times are always nice especially when the week is so busy. I also found a pretty door that I decided to use as the backdrop for my blog title. I wish all streets looked like Mainstreet Unionville.

 an unimpressed boyfriend told to stand beside the tiny door for a picture
fuzzy alleyway picture to end the evening

We also had dessert, but I left my camera in the car. It was a soggy, but happy evening :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

i'm in love

This happens every summer. My palms get sweaty, my knees become weak and my heart skips a beat. This affair started quite innocently in first year university and it's been one of those tumultuous on and off relationships that only passion can bring out. We would go through long periods of separation, but we would always find our way back to each other and then, then I'd be oh so smitten all over again. Sigh. It's no different this year. How can something so bad for me be so good for my taste buds?

dear sugary and creamy iced coffee, you will always be my forbidden love 
♥ me

Friday, May 27, 2011

first ride of the season

my naked bike

Last Tuesday Shannon and I had a date to get back on our bikes to gear up for our small bike-a-thon in September (but mostly, it was because she was eager to try out her new bike). The wheels from our bikes had been taken off - hers from transporting her bike home and mine from being too lazy to reassemble it after cleaning it last year. I must have forgotten how difficult it was to put the back wheel back on because we spent more time trying to put the bikes back together than the actual bike riding itself! I had to call in reinforcements (a.k.a Nathan) to save us from completely destroying our bikes and my hands. He also brought over some watermelon for us to snack on. He's that kind of guy :)

point&shoots make Yoshi grainy

 transporting our bikes to where the tools are

oh bike, why can't you behave...

After some brake and chain issues, Shannon and I were finally off to ride around the neighbourhood...without our helmets! We are such rebels... It was a stressful evening, but I'm glad that we got the first ride out of the way.
j'♥ les endorphines

Time to build some bum tolerance to uncomfortable seats! My next bike is definitely going to be a comfort bike for the sake of mon derrière.

Happy biking to all this weekend!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

a lazy sunday with the ladies

Hickory Sticks remind me of recess

Last Sunday Shannon, Karen and I ventured off to the land of Mississauga to visit Michele for some much needed girl time. Michele had just come home from her two week work trip to Moncton, NB and for two weeks I had to read about her yummy seafood meals via facebook. She must've heard my stomach grumbling from Toronto cause she brought home 5 lobsters for us the devour! She had purchased the lobsters there and had the lady at the store clean and cook them for her to bring back. This was the most delicious (and shortest lasting) souvenir I have ever received. So our afternoon was spent munching on hickory sticks and just catching up. You know you're in good company when you have nothing planned, but are still able to spend a whole day with each other without getting bored (Warning: I went a little picture happy).

playing tetris with Shannon's condo floor plan

I wanted to try Michele's bright red shoes on. The girls wanted me to pull up my socks.

I ♥ starch



 Michele lives in a beautiful neighbourhood - the type with giant trees and quiet neighbours sitting on their porches

never too old to play
parks bring out the 5 year olds in us

Monday, May 23, 2011

sunny days are meant for iced coffees and a bike mission

can't resist $1 drinks from McDonald's
note to self: next time ask for half the cream and half the sugar

The Victoria Day long weekend started off with bike shopping downtown with Shannon. We were hunting for a decent priced hybrid bike that is versatile enough for doing 50-80km bike-a-thons but also practical enough to use as a commuter bike. Shannon left the store with a dark silver Trek fx 7.2. I don't know too much about bikes, but it was a beauty! We spent a good part of our afternoon debating whether or not to buy this bike (there was only one left in her size) but finally decided that she loved the bike and most importantly, it didn't break the bank. It also didn't hurt that the man selling us the bike was a charmer ;)

rolling her new bike to the subway

we came across the most talented kids performing at the corner of Queen Street West and Soho Street 

I hope everyone had a firework-filled Victoria's Day (and maybe a pint of beer to go with the view)! Yoshi, however, is trying to hide from all the pops and rumbles from outside. Poor old puppy...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

one of those stick-your-feet-out-the-window kind of days

After a week of rain, it was the perfect sunny Saturday to spend some quality time with an old university friend sweating under the mid-morning sun. I rarely run outside unless it's for one of my charity events, so this was a welcomed and, hopefully, lasting change. A running buddy is so good to have on those days when you just want to sleep in and eat ice cream all day...

yay to crooked legs!

Friday, May 20, 2011

spring is in the air

Today finally felt like spring. With the sun making everything appear green after coming indoors combined with the mild and soggy weather, it has put me into spring cleaning mode. The first thing to go: my livejournal account. Recently, my posts have become rather stale and uneventful and so here I am attempting to start something fresh so that the 80 year old me can look back on some, hopefully, wonderful memories of my younger self.

Here's to keeping my memories safe and fresh!