Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kidnapped by nathan

To a grassy place with dandelion fluffs. People who have allergies must hate me because I always feel compelled to blow them into the air (or kick them when they are alone and poking up from the grass). Yes, I'm one of those people. Apologies to all the itchy noses out there...

Actually, I was kidnapped to the Sheridan Nursuries up on Highway 7 because the tomato plant that I had purchased a couple days prior (for only $1!) needed to be replaced. It was untimely ripped from me. By my dad. Who decided to plant it for me on a sunny day. So. What's the big deal? Well, this is the first time I've attempted gardening and for those who don't know this about me, I like to do things a certain way. Which means that the tomatoes that I will hopefully eat from my plant this summer, need to be ones that were planted with my own dirt filled and grimy hands. I suppose the upcoming visit from my monthly visitor might have contributed to this irrational (and princessy) behaviour. Luckily, I have a boyfriend who understands that my hormones know no reason and who tries his best to be extra patient during times like these.

I don't know why, but I couldn't stop laughing at the plant on the right - it just looks so funny!

Afterwards, we made our way to our usual spot for evening strolling to just wander and catch up on the day's events. Quiet times are always nice especially when the week is so busy. I also found a pretty door that I decided to use as the backdrop for my blog title. I wish all streets looked like Mainstreet Unionville.

 an unimpressed boyfriend told to stand beside the tiny door for a picture
fuzzy alleyway picture to end the evening

We also had dessert, but I left my camera in the car. It was a soggy, but happy evening :)

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