Wednesday, May 30, 2012

sweet things at the park

Instead of fighting with the crowds down by the water where the fireworks were happening, Nathan and I opted to have a quiet chinese dessert date at a park to celebrate Victoria Day. 

on our menu

chrysanthemum tea jelly (with goji berries and longan)
mango sago
people watching

I never used to like chrysanthemum tea jelly when I was younger because of its mild flavour and it was never sweet enough for me to have as a dessert. It also didn't help that I used to associate this dessert with the elderly because my grandma loved it (and still does!). But now that my taste buds have matured, I'm really enjoying it! It's light, refreshing, and not to mention pretty healthy when it comes to treats.

Nathan and I are just two old souls...with elderly taste buds.

:: maroon 5 featuring wiz khalifa :: payphone

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

backtracking: may 5th

Butterflies in tummy, Nathan and I set off downtown for my dreaded National Knowledge Exam. Other than my parents, I think he's the only other person in the world who would voluntarily wake up at 6am on a Saturday to make sure I have a good breakfast and that I wouldn't be alone while panicking for the exam (I didn't do much studying...). He brought me to Eggspecations and because I was torn between two items on the menu, he let me pick both our breakfasts so that I could have both!

While I wrote my exam, he waited around so that he could drive me home. Luckily, it only took me 1.5 hours to write the exam and not the full three hours, but the fact that he was willing to wait and didn't complain at all about it makes me melt like the butter on my french toast. Did I mention he also fed me some yummy ramen at yokozuno post exam?

Now to wait five more weeks before I get the results for the exam!

:: Calvin Harris :: Feel So Close

Friday, May 04, 2012

425/425 pages

425/425 pages makes me too distracted by this giant grapefruit to continue studying beyond the study guide.

Photo taken by my dad who had too much fun playing around with the camera.

:: david guetta featuring sia :: titanium

Thursday, May 03, 2012

375/425 pages

375/425 pages makes me wish I was training for my 10k run taking place in a week instead of studying.

My practice 5k last Sunday went well though! I finished at 28:36.3 despite the lack of exercise in my life nowadays...

:: colbie caillat :: oxygen