Monday, February 27, 2012

a million words unwritten

belting it out at karaoke. visiting baby elle. birthday girl getting hungry. afternoon breaking.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

la vie en rose

Sometimes I get too caught up in my deadlines and to-do lists that I forget to show appreciation for the people I love most. For me, Valentine's is a nice little reminder to slow things down and celebrate the loves in my life. It's also a good excuse between Christmas and Easter to eat too many sweets and to scribble love notes to the boyfriend.

to all my valentines

Monday, February 13, 2012

sips and nibbles

Tea time with girlfriends is the best way to spend an afternoon. It is especially delightful when tea is served in the prettiest tea set I've ever seen and accompanied by macarons, scones, and all sorts of little nibbles. We must've spent a good 5 hours just sitting around the table talking about anything that came to mind. Having grown up with these girls made me realize how much we've changed over the years and at the same time, how many of our little quirks remained the same. Although I embrace change (albeit a bit hesitantly at first), it's nice to have some constants in my life. Especially when these constants are always equipped and ready to deal with the 5 year old in me.

Friday, February 10, 2012

a reminder of summer

It's been refreshingly sunny in Toronto recently, not to mention really warm for this time of year. The temperature reached +7 on Monday! For some reason, whenever it's sunny and warm, I think of picnics. And when I was staring out the window on Monday thinking about summery things, I started thinking about a small surprise picnic Nathan had planned back in the summer that involved some really tasty lahmacun (pronounced: lahmaˈdʒun). After being driven around in circles trying to figure out where he was bringing me, Nathan pulled up to a small take-out place called Pizza Pide where we proceeded to have our very first taste of this doughy goodness. We ordered the lahmacun and the karisik, but the lahmacun definitely stole the show. Nathan and I first learned of this yummy Turkish pizza while watching Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations and since then, we've been obsessed! Unfortunately, the sun is hiding again, but my lahmacun craving is still here.
I wonder if Nathan would be up for a chilly winter picnic...

Sunday, February 05, 2012

ice skates and champagne

 I started off the new year with a few of my closest girlfriends skating and sipping on champagne. Looking back on past new year's eves, I noticed that I have never felt the need to go to big parties in crowded places to celebrate. There's nothing I like more than a quiet and cozy night with a few good friends - must be the old soul in me!
 skating at the jellybean rink
meet Mr. Jefferson - Nathan's substitute for the evening